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Professional Activities
| Awards, Listings and Honors
| Invited Talks
| Works
Conference Organizing Chair
HCLT 2016 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2016. 10. 7-8)
Conference Program Chair
HCLT 2006 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2006. 10. 13-14)
Conference Program Vice-Chair
KCC 2009 (Korea Computer Congress, 2009. 7. 1-3)
Conference Program Area Chair
HCLT 2007 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2007. 10. 12-13)
Conference Program Member
HCLT 2016 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2016. 10. 7-8)
HCLT 2015 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2015. 10. 16-17)
HCLT 2014 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2014. 10. 10-11)
HCLT 2013 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2013. 10. 11-12)
HCLT 2012 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2012. 10. 12-13)
KCC 2011 (Korea Computer Congress, 2011. 6.29-7.1)
CNSI 2011 (International Conference on Computer, Networks, System, and Industrial Engineering, 2011. 5.23-25)
SIGIR 2010 (The Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, 2010. 8.23-27)
COLING 2010 (International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2010. 7.19-23)
HCLT 2010 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2010. 10. 8-9)
HCLT 2009 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2009. 10. 9-10)
HCLT 2008 (Human and Cognitive Language Technology, 2008. 10. 10-11)
ALPIT 2008 (The 6th International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web Information Technology, 2008. 7. 23-25)
SIGIR 2008 (The Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, 2008. 7.21-23)
ALPIT 2007 (The 6th International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web Information Technology, 2007. 8. 22-24)
AIRS 2006 (Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, 2006. 10. 16-18)
ICCPOL 2006 (International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Language, 2006. 12. 17-19)
Competition Organizing Chair
Korean Information Processing System Competition (2014. 10. 10)
Local Arrangement Committee Member
IWSDS 2015 (Workshop on Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue Systems. 2015)
Conference Organizing Publicity Chair
ACL 2012 (The 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012. 7. 8-13)
Conference Organizing Member
KIPONTO 2007 (The 5th Workshop on Knowledge Information Processing and Ontology, 2007. 6. 1)
KIPONTO 2006 (The 4th Workshop on Knowledge Information Processing and Ontology, 2006. 5. 19-20)
AIRS 2005 (Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, 2005. 10. 13-15)
KIPONTO 2005 (The 3th Workshop on Knowledge Information Processing and Ontology, 2005. 6. 3)
Steering Committee member
AIRS (Asian Information Retrieval Symposium) 2014.8 ~ 2017.7
Conference Reviewer
HCLT (Human and Cognitive Language Technology) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015
KCC (Korea Computer Congress) 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015
KIISE (KIISE Winter Conference) 2007, 2014 and 2015
Conference Session Chair
HCLT (Human and Cognitive Language Technology) 2005, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015
KCC (Korea Computer Congress) 2013, 2014 and 2015
KIISE 2010 (The 37th KIISE Fall Conference, 2010. 11. 5-6)
KIPONTO 2007 (The 5th Workshop on Knowledge Information Processing and Ontology, 2007. 6. 1)
AIRS 2005 (Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, 2005. 10. 13-15)
Journal Associate Editor
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (2009. 6. ~ up to now)
Journal of KIISE : Software and Applications (2013. 3. ~ up to now)
Journal Reviewer
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (2013. 12. 1. ~ up to now)
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS, 2012. 8. ~ up to now)
AI Communications (AICOM, 2012. 6. ~ up to now)
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS, 2006. 3. ~ up to now)
Information Processing Letters (IPL, 2005. 5. ~ up to now)
Information Processing and Management (IPM, 2003. 5. ~ up to now)
Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP, 2004. 3. ~ up to now)
Korea Institute of Information Scientiest and Engineers (KIISE, 2006. 2. ~ up to now)
Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS, 2004. 9. ~ up to now)
Professional Society Membership
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL, 2000 ~ up to now)
ACM SIGIR Membership (2000. ~ up to now)
Korea Institute of Information Scientiest and Engineers (KIISE, 2000 ~ up to now), Associate Editor (2013 ~ up to now)
Korean Society for Cognitive Science (2007 ~ up to now), General Executive in 2016
Executive of Korean Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (KSAAC, 2013 ~ up to now)
Consultative Committee Member
KISTI 과학기술정보협의회 위원 (2009. 8. ~ up to now)
KISTI (2017. 8.)
Diquest Inc. (2007. 9. ~ up to now)
Instructor of the Intensive Course for Artificial Intelligence for Samsung Data System
Deep Learning Based Natural Language Processing (2021.7.20.~7.23, 2022.9.20.~23.)
Instructor of the Intensive Course for Language Analysis in Samsung Advanced Technology Training Institute
Natural Language Processing with Deep Neural Networks (2018.2.2.~2.18., 2018.3.21.~3.23., 2018.7.3.~7.4., 2018.8.27.~9.7., 2019.6.24.~7.5, 2019.8.19.~30.)
Director of the Expert Course for Language Analysis in Samsung Advanced Technology Training Institute
Development of E2E Dialogue Systems for DSTC (2019.7.15.~10.31)
Member of Review Committee in NAVER
Chairman of Review Committee of News Retrieval Algorithms for NAVER (2021. 8. 1. ~ 2021. 12. 31)
Review Committee of News Retrieval Algorithms for NAVER (2018. 5. 29. ~ 2018. 11. 30)
Member of AI Advisory Council in POSCO
Member of AI Advisory Council for POSCO (2022. 7. 1. ~ 2023. 6. 30)
Member of AICE Inspection Committee KT
Member of AICE Inspection Committee for KT (2023. 3.29. ~ 2024. 3. 28)
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Achievement Excellence Awards
Sungkyunkwan University Achievement Evaluation: Excellence Awards in Education Area (신품-神品) and Research Area (묘품-妙品), 2022.
Sungkyunkwan University Achievement Evaluation: Excellence Award in Research Area (신품-神品), 2021.
Contribution Awards
Outstanding Paper Contributuion Award, Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, 2015.
Competition/Contest/Learderboard Awards
Winner (3rd Place), Track #3 (Next Product Title Generation) of Amazon KDD Cup in KDD 2023 (with Honghee Lee, Youngjae Chang and Kyuri Choi)
Winner (1st Place), Sub-Track #1 (Disambiguation) and #3 (Dialogue State Tracking) of SIMMC 2.0 (Situated Interactive Multi-Modal Conversational AI: Track 3) in DSTC 10, 2021 (with Dongchul Son and Youngjae Chang)
4th Place, Task 2 (Task-oriented Conversational Modeling with Unstructured Knowledge Access) and 5th Place, Task 1 (Dialogue State Tracking) of Knowledge-grounded Task-oriented Dialogue Modeling on Spoken Conversations (Track 2) in DSTC 10, 2021 (with Junhee Cho, Haeun Yu, Choongwon Park and Jaeah Yu)
1st Place, MS MARCO Passage Ranking Learderboard, 2021 (with Meongjun Kim)
Special Prize, 2021 AI Language Ability Competition (with Dooyoung Kim, Honghee Lee, Youngjae Chang, Jaeah Yu, Jinyoung Kim and Haeun Lee)
Bronze Prize, Korean Information Processing System Competition 2020 (with Dongchul Son, Junhee Cho, Jihyun Bae, Dooyoung Kim, Guyri Choi and Seryong Kim)
Excellence Award, 4th Industrial Revolution-era Scientific Investigation Ideas Contest 2018 (with Seungwook Lee, Hongyeon Yu, Gihwan Kim and Jeongmin Yoon)
Bronze Prize, Korean Information Processing System Competition 2016 (with Hongyeon Yu, Hokyoung Lee and Mincheol Kim)
Bronze Prize, Korean Information Processing System Competition 2016 (with Jaehyun An, Jungmin Yoon, Haemin Kim, Yongsin Park and Kyoungman Bae)
Encouragement Prize, Korean Information Processing System Competition 2015 (with Juryong Cheon, Hongyeon Yu and Kyoungman Bae)
Encouragement Prize, Korean Information Processing System Competition 2015 (with Hokyoung Lee, Namhoom Song, Jungmin Yoon and Jaewon Hwang)
Encouragement Prize, Korean Information Processing System Competition 2014 (with Sujeong Kim, Taehyun Kim, Yongmin Kim and Jungbo Lee)
Grand Prize, 38th Academic Paper Presentation Contest at Dong-A University 2009 (with Yonghyun Park)
Best Paper Awards
KSC 2022 (2 Best Papers with Hyunmook Cha and Haeun Lee)
HCLT 2018 (2 Best Papers with Hongyeon Yu and Jaehyun An)
KSC 2017 (3 Best Papers with Jungmin Yoon, Jaehyun An and Yoojin Jeong)
HCLT 2016 (with Hongyeon Yu)
HCLT 2015 (with Juryong Cheon)
KCC 2015 (with Namhoon Song)
HCLT 2014 (with Juryong Cheon)
HCLT 2013 (with Changsu Lee)
KCC 2012 (2 Best Papers with Junyoung Lee & Seon Yang)
KCC 2011 (with Seon Yang)
KIISE 2010 (with Sungho Kim)
KIISE 2009 (with Sangjoon Bae)
HCLT 2009 (with Seon Yang)
HCLT 2008 (with Sangjoon Bae)
KIISE 2007 (with Jaewon Hwang)
Who's Who of Emerging Leaders
list in Marquis Who's Who of Emerging Leaders, 1st December 2006
Who's Who in Asia
list in Marquis Who's Who in Asia, 1st 2006
list in Marquis Who's Who in Asia, 2nd 2012
Who's Who in Science and Engineering
list in Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 9th 2006-2007 Edition
list in Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 10th 2008-2009 Edition
Who's Who in the World
list in Marquis Who's Who in the World, 23rd 2006 Edition
list in Marquis Who's Who in the World, 24th 2007 Edition
list in Marquis Who's Who in the World, 25th 2008 Edition
list in Marquis Who's Who in the World, 26th 2009 Edition
list in Marquis Who's Who in the World, 30th 2013 Edition
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Neural Symbolic AI (SKKU AI Colloquium 2021, 2021. 11. 05.) [Video]
Let's get on board with NLP (AI X Bookathon, Sungkyunkwan University, 2021. 11. 04.) [Video]
Neural Symbolic AI (LG Electronics, 2021. 08. 23.)
Basic Concepts of Natural Language Processing (AI Convergence Summer School, College of Education, Seoul National University, 2021. 08. 19.)
Pretrained Language Representation (AI Korea 2020 Conference, 2020. 08. 28.) [PDF] [PDF]
Korean Semantic Role Labeling (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, 2019. 04. 25.)
Korean Dependency Parser (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, 2018. 10. 23.)
Korean Named Entity Recognition (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, 2017. 10. 5.)
Text Classification and Summarization (Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Techniques) (KISTI, 2017. 7. 5.) [PDF]
How to develop NLP tools with DNN techniques (IT 21 Global Conference, 2017. 6. 2.) [PDF]
Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) (ETRI, 2016. 2. 24.) [PDF]
Introduction to Word Embedding for NLP (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, 2016. 1. 7.) [PDF]
Introduction to Word Embedding for NLP (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Sogang University, 2015. 9. 9.) [PDF]
Introduction to Probabilistic Topic Models (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, 2015. 6. 19.) [PDF]
Human Language Technology and its Applications (Graduate School of Digital Image & Contents, Dongguk University, 2014. 2. 7.) [PDF]
A Query Translation and Expansion Technique for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Using Wikipedia as Linguistic Resources (ETRI Open R&D Center Workshop, Busan National University, 2013. 8. 28.) [PDF]
Generative vs. Discriminative Models for Classification (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Sogang University, 2013. 5. 30.) [PDF]
A Wikipedia Based Query Translation and Expansion Technique for Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIP Lab., The University of Maryland, 2012. 4. 25.)
Comparison Mining (CLIP Lab., The University of Maryland, 2011. 9. 21.) [PDF]
Dialogue Modeling for Spoken Dialogue Systems (LG Electronics, Research Center, 2010. 7. 28.)
Human Language Technology and Linguistics (Dept. of Linguistics, The Busan National University, 2009. 11. 25.) [PDF]
Text Classification in IR (theory and trends) (Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 2007. 10. 17.)
Text Classification in IR (theory and application) (Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), 2006. 12. 13.)
Ontology Construction from the Aspect of Engineering (The 2th Ontology Understanding and Application Colliqium, 2006. 2. 21.) [PDF]
Text Categorization Using Unlabeled Data and its Theory (NLP Lab., The Korea Maritime University, 2005. 11. 15.)
Learning Techniques with Unlabeled Data for Text Categorization (The Workshop of KRISTAL Research and Development Group, 2005. 8.)
Text Categorization Using Unlabeled Data and its Theory (KCC 2005-ILVB Workshop, 2005. 7.) [PDF]
The Theory and Application of Text Categorization (NLP Lab., The Ulsan University, 2005. 1.)
Text Categorization using Unlabeled Data (KIPONTO Workshop, 2004)
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Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Graduate School of AI, and Applied Data Science, SKKU University (2019. 9. ~ up to now)
Professor in Department of Computer Engineering, Dong-A University (2015. 9. ~ 2019.8)
Associate Professor in Department of Computer Engineering, Dong-A University (2010. 9. ~ 2015. 8.)
Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Engineering, Dong-A University (2004. 9. ~ 2010. 8.)
Visiting Scholar at the Computational Linguistics and Information Processing Laboratory (CLIP) at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA (2011. 6. ~ 2012. 6.)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Institute for Applied Science and Technology, Sogang University (2003. 9. ~ 2004. 8)
System Engineer in KT Billing System Development Project, LG-CNS Systems (1996. 7. ~ 1997. 12)
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